Sunday, November 22, 2015

Chicken Nugget

Chicken Nugget is a pretty simple pattern, but cute I think.

Techniques Needed
  • magic ring
  • single crochet
  • working in rounds - you can use spiral technique or circular (with slip at end of each round and chain 1 at beginning).  If you use spiral, slip at the end of each piece to smooth off the end)
  • chain stitch
  • slip stitch
  • increase
  • decrease 
  • french knot
  • worsted weight acrylic yarns (or any weight or material that you prefer)
    • gray and black
  • crochet hook, size G (can be adjusted based on weight of yarn and desired gauge)
  • scissors
  • tapestry needle
  • polyester filling
  • sc - single crochet
  • inc - single crochet twice into one loop
  • dec - single crochet one stitch into two loops
  • sl - slip stitch
  • ch - chain
  • fo - fasten off 


worked in rounds, gray.
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. sc, inc 3, sc 2 (9)
  3. sc, (sc, inc) x 3, sc 2 (12)
  4. sc 3, (sc, inc) x 3, sc 3 (15)
  5. sc 3, (sc2, inc) x 3, sc 3 (18)
  6. sc 3, (sc, inc) x 6, sc 3 (24)
  7. sc around (24)
  8. sc around (24)
  9. sc around (24)
  10. sc 3, (sc, dec) x 6, sc 3 (18)
  11. sc 3, dec 6, sc 3 (12), stuff firmly at this point. 
  12. dec 6 (6)
Fasten off and neatly weave closed with tail.

Gray, make 2.
  1. magic ring 6, do not join last stitch to first.
Fasten off leaving a tail to attach to body and attach.

  1. chain 15, sl into 2nd chain from hook, sl 13 more
Fasten off leaving a tail to attach to body and attach.

Using black yarn, make eyes from french knots and stitch nose.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Today we have our tribute to Bronies: Glue the pony.

Techniques Needed
  • magic ring
  • working in rounds - you can use spiral technique or circular (with slip at end of each round and chain 1 at beginning).  If you use spiral, slip at the end of each piece to smooth off the end)
  • chain stitch
  • slip stitch
  • single crochet
  • french knot 
  • increase
  • decrease
  • worsted weight acrylic yarns (or any weight or material that you prefer)
    • light brown and dark brown
  • crochet hook, size G (can be adjusted based on weight of yarn and desired gauge)
  • scissors
  • tapestry needle
  • polyester filling
  • sc - single crochet
  • inc - single crochet twice into one loop
  • dec - single crochet one stitch into two loops
  • sl - slip stitch
  • ch - chain
  • fo - fasten off 
  • blo - back loop only


worked in rounds, light brown
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12)
  3. sc around (12)
  4. sc around (12)
  5. sc around (12)
  6. dec 6 (6)
Fasten off, stuff firmly, and weave neatly closed.

worked in rounds, light brown
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12)
  3. (sc, inc) x 6 (18)
  4. (sc 2, inc) x 6 (24)
  5. sc around (24)
  6. sc around (24)
  7. sc around (24)
  8. (sc 2, dec) x 6 (18)
  9. (sc, dec) x 6 (12), stuff firmly at this time
  10. dec 6 (6)
Fasten off with a long tail and stitch onto body with tail.

Worked in rounds, dark brown

  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12)
  3. sc around (12)
  4. sc around (12)
Fasten off leaving a tail to attach to head.  Stuff firmly and attach to head.

worked in rounds, starting with dark brown, make 4
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12), change to light brown at this time
  3. working in BLO, sc around (12)
  4. (sc 2, dec) x 3 (9)
  5. (sc, dec) x 3 (6)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching onto body, stuff firmly.  Attach to body.


Worked in rounds, light brown, make 2 
  1. magic ring 3 (3)
  2. inc 3 (6)
  3. (sc, inc) x 3 (9)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching, flatten, and attach to head.

Tail and Mane
Dark brown yarn.

Measure 3 strands of dark brown yarn cut to 3 inches of length.  attach all 3 to body using a latch hook method.  Measure 6 strands of yarn to 1.5 inches of length.  Attach each separately to the back of head using latch hook method.

Using dark brown yarn, make French knots for eyes.


Here we have Mutton, the sheep.  He is made using a technique called 'fur stitch' or 'loop stitch'.

Techniques Needed
  • magic ring
  • single crochet
  • working in rounds - you can use spiral technique or circular (with slip at end of each round and chain 1 at beginning).  If you use spiral, slip at the end of each piece to smooth off the end)
  • chain stitch
  • slip stitch
  • loop stitch based off of single crochet
  • increase
  • decrease
  • worsted weight acrylic yarns (or any weight or material that you prefer)
    • white and black
  • crochet hook, size G (can be adjusted based on weight of yarn and desired gauge)
  • scissors
  • tapestry needle
  • polyester filling
  • sc - single crochet
  • loop - loop stitch
  • inc - single crochet twice into one loop
  • dec - single crochet one stitch into two loops
  • sl - slip stitch
  • ch - chain
  • fo - fasten off 


worked in rounds, white.  Because the loop stitch produces loops on the back side, this body will be inside out compared to the usual style for amigurumi.
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 using loop (12)
  3. (loop, inc using loop) x 6 (18)
  4. (loop 2, inc using loop) x 6 (24)
  5. loop around (24)
  6. loop around (24)
  7. loop around (24)
  8. (loop 2, dec using loop) x 6 (18)
  9. (loop 1, dec using loop) x 6 (12), stuff firmly at this point.
  10. dec using loop 6 (6)
Fasten off and neatly weave closed with tail.  The last row should be the bottom of the belly and the magic ring should be the top because the loop stitches are denser on the increase rows than the decrease ones.

worked in rounds, black
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. (sc, inc) x 3 (9)
  3. sc around (9)
  4. sc around (9)
Fasten off with a long tail for stitching head onto body.  Stuff and attach to the body.

worked in rounds, black, make 4
  1.  magic ring 6 (6)
  2. sc around (6)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching onto body, stuff if desired.  Attach to body.


Worked in rounds, black, make 2 
  1. magic ring 3 (3)
  2. inc 3 (6)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching, flatten, and attach to body.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Tastes Like Chicken

Tastes Like Chicken represents one of my favorite animals.  He took a lot of tuning to get the legs how I want them.  I hope you enjoy.

Techniques Needed
  • magic ring
  • working in rounds - you can use spiral technique or circular (with slip at end of each round and chain 1 at beginning).  If you use spiral, slip at the end of each piece to smooth off the end)
  • chain stitch
  • slip stitch
  • single crochet
  • double crochet
  • increase
  • decrease
  • worsted weight acrylic yarns (or any weight or material that you prefer)
    • green, white, and black
  • crochet hook, size G (can be adjusted based on weight of yarn and desired gauge)
  • scissors
  • tapestry needle
  • polyester filling
  • sc - single crochet
  • inc - single crochet twice into one loop
  • dec - single crochet one stitch into two loops
  • dc - double crochet
  • sl - slip stitch
  • ch - chain
  • fo - fasten off 

worked in rounds, green yarn to start
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12)
  3. (sc, inc) x 6 (18)
  4.  (sc 2, inc) x 6 (24)
  5. sc 3, inc 6, sc 15 (30)
  6. sc around (30)
  7. change to white yarn, sc 3, dec 6, sc 3, change to green yarn, sc 12 (24)
  8. change to white yarn, (sc 2, dec) x 3, change to green yarn, (sc 2, dec) x 3 (12), stuff firmly at this point
  9.  dec 6 (6)
Fasten off and neatly weave closed with tail.

Back Legs
worked in rounds, green, make 2
  1. magic ring 4 (4)
  2. sc around (4)
  3. sc around (4)
  4. sc around (4)
  5. hdc 2, sl 2 (4)
  6. hdc 2, sl 2 (4)
  7. inc 4 (8)
  8. (sc 4, inc) x 2 (10)
  9. sl, ch, dc, ch, sl, ch, dc 2, ch, sl, ch, dc, ch, sl, ch, dc 2, ch, sl (the last slip stitch is into the first stitch of the next round to even the edge)
Fasten off leaving a tail.  Stitch the feet flat to make 3 toe protuberances.  The double crochet surrounded by slip stitches will form the middle toe and the parts with 2 double crochet in a row will fold on each end to make the outside two toes.  Attach the legs to the body at the ankle, knee, and hip.

Front Legs
worked in rounds, green, make 2
  1. magic ring 4 (4)
  2. -  6.  sc around (4)
Fasten off leaving a tail.  Attach to body with the tail.

Eyes (green part)
worked in rounds, green, make 2
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12)
  3. sc around (12)
  4. (sc, dec) x 4 (8)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching onto body.  Stuff firmly and attach to body.

Eyes (white and black part)

Worked in rounds, starting with black, make 2
  1. magic ring 6 (6), change to white yarn
  2. inc 6 (12)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching.  Attach to green part of eyes.

Peking Duckling

My next menagerie member, Peking Duckling

Techniques Needed
  • magic ring
  • working in rounds - you can use spiral technique or circular (with slip at end of each round and chain 1 at beginning).  If you use spiral, slip at the end of each piece to smooth off the end)
  • chain stitch
  • slip stitch
  • single crochet
  • french knot 
  • increase
  • decrease
  • worsted weight acrylic yarns (or any weight or material that you prefer)
    • yellow, orange, and black
  • crochet hook, size G (can be adjusted based on weight of yarn and desired gauge)
  • scissors
  • tapestry needle
  • polyester filling
  • sc - single crochet
  • inc - single crochet twice into one loop
  • dec - single crochet one stitch into two loops
  • hdc - half double crochet
  • sl - slip stitch
  • ch - chain
  • fo - fasten off 


worked in rounds, yellow
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12)
  3. (sc, inc) x 6 (18)
  4. sc around (18)
  5. sc around (18)
  6. (sc, dec) x 6 (12), stuff firmly at this point 
  7. dec 6 (6)
Fasten off and neatly weave closed with tail.

worked in rounds, yellow
  1. magic ring 3 (3)
  2. inc 3 (6)
  3. (sc, inc) x 3 (9)
  4. (sc 2, inc) x 3 (12)
  5. (sc 3, inc) x 3 (15)
  6. sc around (15)
  7. sc around (15)
  8. (sc 3, dec) x 6 (12), stuff firmly at this point
  9. dec 6 (6)
Fasten off neatly and weave closed with tail.

worked in rounds, yellow, make 2
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. sl into first loop and ch (you'll already do this if crocheting in circles as opposed to spiral), hdc, ch, sl, do not finish round.
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching onto body.


Worked in rounds, orange
  1. magic ring 3 (3)
  2. inc 3 (6)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching, flatten, and attach to head.  At this time you can attach head and wings to body.

With black yarn place french knots for the eyes.


Today I'm starting a menagerie for my friend's new baby who is on the way.  This little man shall be called Bacon the Pig.

Techniques Needed
  • magic ring
  • working in rounds - you can use spiral technique or circular (with slip at end of each round and chain 1 at beginning).  If you use spiral, slip at the end of each piece to smooth off the end)
  • chain stitch
  • slip stitch
  • single crochet
  • french knot 
  • increase
  • decrease
  • worsted weight acrylic yarns (or any weight or material that you prefer)
    • pink and black
  • crochet hook, size G (can be adjusted based on weight of yarn and desired gauge)
  • scissors
  • tapestry needle
  • polyester filling
  • sc - single crochet
  • inc - single crochet twice into one loop
  • dec - single crochet one stitch into two loops
  • sl - slip stitch
  • ch - chain
  • fo - fasten off 
  • blo - back loop only


worked in rounds, pink
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12)
  3. (sc, inc) x 6 (18)
  4. (sc 2, inc) x 6 (24)
  5. sc around (24)
  6. sc around (24)
  7. sc around (24)
  8. (sc 2, dec) x 6 (18)
  9. (sc 1, dec) x 6 (12), stuff firmly at this point.
  10. dec 6 (6)
Fasten off and neatly weave closed with tail.

worked in rounds, pink
  1. magic ring 8 (8)
  2. work in blo, (sc 2, dec) x 2 (6)
Fasten off with a long tail for stitching nose onto body.  Stuff if desired and attach to the body.

worked in rounds, pink, make 4
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. sc around (6)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching onto body, stuff if desired.  Attach to body.


Worked in rounds, pink, make 2 
  1. magic ring 3 (3)
  2. inc 3 (6)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching, flatten, and attach to body.

Pink yarn.
  1. ch 6
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching, tie in a knot, and attach to body.

With black yarn, embroider nostrils and  place french knots for the eyes.

Sunday, November 8, 2015


Here is my first try at an original amigurumi pattern.  Yoshi could probably use a bit of tuning, but here we go!

Techniques Needed
  • magic ring
  • working in rounds - you can use spiral technique or circular (with slip at end of each round and chain 1 at beginning).  If you use spiral, slip at the end of each piece to smooth off the end)
  • chain stitch
  • slip stitch
  • single crochet
  • half double crochet
  • double crochet
  • increase
  • decrease
  • worsted weight acrylic yarns (or any weight or material that you prefer)
    • green, red, white, orange, yellow, black
  • crochet hook, size E (can be adjusted based on weight of yarn and desired gauge)
  • scissors
  • tapestry needle
  • polyester filling
  • sc - single crochet
  • inc - single crochet twice into one loop
  • dec - single crochet one stitch into two loops
  • sl - slip stitch
  • ch - chain
  • hdc - half double crochet
  • dc - double crochet
  • fo - fasten off 
  • blo - back loop only
  • flo - front loop only

worked in rounds, green yarn
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12)
  3. (sc, inc) x 6 (18)
  4. (sc 2, inc) x 6 (24)
  5. (sc 3, inc) x 6 (30)
  6. sc around (30)
  7. sc around (30)
  8. (sc 3, dec) x 6 (24)
  9. sc around (24)
  10. (sc 2, dec) x 6 (18)
  11. (sc 1, dec) x 6 (12)
Fasten off with a long tail for stitching nose onto head.  Stuff firmly.  Embroider nostrils with black yarn.

worked in rounds, green yarn
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12)
  3. (sc, inc) x 6 (18)
  4. (sc, inc) x 6 (24)
  5. sc around (24)
  6. sc around (24)
  7. (sc 2, dec) x 6 (18)
  8. change to white yarn, (sc, dec) x 3, change to green yarn, (sc, dec) x 3 (12)
  9. change to white yarn, dec 3, change to green yarn, dec 3 (6)
Fasten off with a long tail for stitching head onto body.  Stuff firmly. 

worked in rounds, white yarn, make 2
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc x 6 (12)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching onto head.

Eyes (green part)
worked in rounds, green yarn

Piece 1 
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc x 6 (12)
  3. sc around (12)
Fasten off leaving a tail to close defect once connected to piece 2.
Piece 2
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12)
  3. sc around (12)
  4. sc 12 into piece 1 then sc 12 around piece 2 (24)
  5. (sc 4, dec) x 4 (20)
  6. sc around (20)
  7. sc around (20)
  8. sc 3, hdc, dc 2, hdc, sc 6, hdc, dc 2, hdc, sc 3 (20)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching onto head.  Stuff firmly.  Use tail to weave from front to back up the center to create a slight crease between the left and right eye.  Weave back down to base to use the same tail for stitching to the head.

Eyes (white part)  
Worked in rounds, white yarn (make 2)  
  1. ch 6, sc 4 into blo of chain starting at 2nd loop from hook, sc 4 into first loop in chain, sc 4 working up other side of chain resulting in an oval-shaped round with a flat base.
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching onto green part of eyes.

Eyes (black part)  
Worked in rounds, black yarn (make 2)  
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. hdc, dc, hdc (do not complete round)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching onto white part of eyes.

At this point, stitch black parts of eyes onto white parts.  Stitch white parts onto green part.  Attach cheeks, nose, and eyes to head.

Worked in rounds, green yarn
  1. ring 3 (3)
  2. inc 3 (6)
  3. (sc, inc) x 3 (9)
  4. (sc 2, inc) x 3 (12)
  5. (sc 3, inc) x 3 (15)
  6. sc around (15)
  7. (sc 4, inc) x 3 (18)
  8. sc 6, (sc, inc) x 6 (24)
  9. sc 6. (sc 2, inc) x 6 (30)
  10. (sc 4, inc) x 6 (36)
  11. (sc 5, inc) x 6 (42)
  12. sc around (42)
  13. sc around (42)
  14. sc around (42)
  15. (sc 5, dec) (36)
  16. (sc 4, dec) (30)
  17. (sc 3, dec) (24)
  18. (sc 2, dec) (18)
  19. (sc, dec) (12) stuff firmly at this time
  20. dec x 6 (6)
Fasten off leaving a tail for weaving.  Complete stuffing and weave closed with tail.

Worked in rounds, red yarn
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. inc 6 (12)
  3. (sc, inc) x 6 (18)
  4. sc around (18)
  5. change to white yarn, sc around (18)
Stuff shell and stitch onto back of body.  Attach head to body at this time.  

Worked in rounds, orange yarn (the spikes are supposed to be more red-orange than the orange shoes but not as red as the shell; you can use the orange from the shoes or the red from the shell or a 3rd color that is in between the two if you have it). Make 3.
  1. magic ring 3 (3)
  2. inc x 3 (6)
  3. (sc 2, inc) x 2 (8)
  4. sc around (8)
Fasten off leaving a tail for stitching.  Flatten each spike and stitch to the head at this time.

Worked in rows, white yarn.
  1. ch 4, sc 3 into chain starting at 2nd stitch from the hook, ch then turn (3 not counting ch for turning)
  2. inc, sc, inc, ch, turn (5)
  3. sc across, ch, turn (5)
  4. inc, sc 3, inc, ch, turn (7)
  5. - 22. sc across, ch, turn (7)
      23. dec, sc 3, dec, ch, turn (5)
      24. sc across, ch, turn (5)
      25. dec, sc, dec, ch, turn (3)
      26. sc across, ch, turn (3)
      27. dec, sc, turn without ch (1)
      28. sl

Fasten off leaving a long tail.  Stitch to body with beginning under chin and end at tip of tail.

Worked in rounds, green yarn.  Make 2.
  1. magic ring 6 (6)
  2. (sc, inc) x 3 (9)
  3. (sc 2, inc) x 3 (12)
  4. sc around (12)
  5. sc around (12)
  6. sc around (12)
  7. sc around (12)
  8. hdc 6, sl 6 (12)
  9. hdc 6, sl 6 (12)
  10. sc around (12)
  11. sc around (12)
  12. hdc, dc 4, hdc, sl (do not complete round)
Fasten off leaving a tail to attach to body.  Stuff firmly.

Worked in rounds, start with yellow yarn.  Make 2.  
  1. ch 7, sc 5 into blo of chain starting at 2nd loop from hook, sc 4 into first loop in chain, sc 4 working up other side of chain, sc 3 into last loop of chain looping around (16)
  2. inc, sc 5, inc 3, sc 5, inc 2 (22)
  3. change to orange yarn, sc around blo (22)
  4. sc around (22)
  5. sc around (22)
  6. sc 6, dec 5, sc 6 (17)
  7. sc 4, dec 5, sc 3 (12)
  8. part a: sc around flo, sl, fo; part b: join in green yarn, sc around blo (using back loop of the same stitches as part a is crocheted into with orange) (12)
  9. sc around (12)
  10. (sc 3, inc) x 3 (15)
  11. sc around (15)
  12. (sc 4, inc) x3 (18)
  13. sc around (18)
  14. (sc 5, inc) x 3 (21)
  15. sc around (21)
  16. sc around (21)
  17. (sc 5, dec) x 3 (18)
  18. (sc, dec) x 6 (12), stuff leg at this point.
  19. dec 6 (6)
Fasten off leaving a tail to weave end closed.  Finish stuffing and weave closed.  Stitch arms and legs to body.